09) Developing Orange Clip

We spent an endless amount of time trying to determine the exact mathematical equation that makes ORANGE CLIP sound so good, and that equation matches its inspiration in every detail: dynamically, harmonically, and sonically.

Below is an animated transfer function that shows the dynamic response of ORANGE CLIP and its inspiration. The animated orange line shows the dynamic response of ORANGE CLIP between the Hard Knee (0.0dB) and 100% Soft Knee (-58.1dB) settings.

The green dotted line shows OC's inspiration at 100% Soft Knee. The red dotted line shows the 75% Soft Knee setting, and the purple dotted line shows the 50% Soft Knee setting. As you can see, the curve of ORANGE CLIP perfectly matches each plot of its inspiration. Dynamically, it is 100% identical. 

Next we will look at the harmonic response of ORANGE CLIP compared to its inspiration. The below graph shows the harmonics generated by each process when fed a 100Hz sine wave. Again, as you can see, the harmonic make up of each processor is identical.   

Getting these details right took months of research, testing, trial and error until we finally figured it out. We were searching for a needle in an exponential function haystack but we found it, and now ORANGE CLIP is yours to enjoy in your DAW of choice. 

Be well,

Ryan Schwabe

Grammy-nominated and multi-platinum mixing & mastering engineer

Founder of Schwabe Digital

Designer of Gold Clip & Orange Clip

p.s. If you haven't already, you can buy or rent-to-own ORANGE CLIP right here.


08) Oversampling in Orange Clip


Using Orange Clip & Gold Clip Together